Anil Prasad develops his interviews with great depth and care, over a long time and from many discussions with the portrayed artist. The result is a very loyal insight into personal philosophies and outlook on life. This particular discussion with Jonas Hellborg has been causing a lot of stir and interest based on the points that Hellborg is making on the actual state of the music field and the world.
“These platforms say, ‘We have no responsibility. It’s whoever uses our platform that should be responsible for reporting problems or paying people.’ This is ridiculous, of course. The people making money are the people who own the platforms. They should police and control them. But they don’t. No-one is making them do anything. So, they get to do whatever the hell they want.” Jonas Hellborg, fragment from the interview
“Revered bassist and composer Jonas Hellborg has a whole lot to say about the music distribution and monetization debacle every professional artist is facing in this day and age. In his new Innerviews conversation, he talks about the current state of Bandcamp, Spotify, The Orchard (a leading music aggregator), YouTube, and global rights organizations, and the myriad issues involved with all of them.
He also offers some detailed thoughts on potential solutions.” Anil Prasad about this interview